Translation Publications


Book in preparation

 The Possibility of Translation and the Promise of Translatability.


Conference Papers

“Prescience and Prediction: Walter Benjamin’s Media Dialectics and the 2016 US-American Election of Donald Trump.” Paper presented at the conference “Art and Political Engagement. Walter Benjamin’s thought in XXI century,” St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, December 16, 2016.

 “Translatability and the Migration of Knowledge. What Role for States in Higher Education of the Future?” Paper presented at the conference “Against Educational Apartheid. The Other Global University,” November 7-8, 2015, Weatherhead East Asian Institute of Columbia University. 

 “Paul Celan’s Coronas. ‘Parsing the Voice from the Voiceless.’” Paper presented at the conference “Music, Poetry, and Translation,” Barnard College, October 2010.

  “Meinung =/= Meaning. Theodor Adorno and the Problem of Translation.” Paper presented at the conference “100 Years Adorno: A Symposium in Honor of Theodor W. Adorno’s Life and Legacy” at the Villa Aurora, Pacific Palisades, California, October 24, 2003.

Original Essays & Book Chapters

“The Possibility of Translation.” Forthcoming in Boundary2. Paper presented at the Boundary 2 editorial conference, November 2018.

“Dancing with the Coyote: Translating Heiner Müller’s Poetry,” Book chapter forthcoming in Heiner Müller Handbook, ed. Florian Becker and Janine Ludwig (de Gruyter).

 “On the Translatability of Walter Benjamin’s ‘Moscow Diary.’ A Critical View from the 21st Century.” The Logos Magazine, 122 (Vol. 28, No. 1, 2018), 179-200. Russian translation of a paper presented in St. Petersburg in 2016.

 “Adapting Liberal Arts and Sciences as a System of Education,” with Jonathan Becker. Book chapter in American Universities Abroad: The Leadership of Independent Transnational Higher Education Institutions, ed. Ted Purinton and Jennifer Skaggs (Cairo and New York. 2017: The American University in Cairo Press).

“On Amorbach,” in: New German Critique 127 (February 2016).

“The Translatability Project.” In other Words, No. 45 (Summer 2015), 61-66.

 “Translating Adorno. Language, Music, and Performance.” In: The Musical Quarterly, 79/1 (Spring 1995).


Translated Essays and Book Chapters (selections)

Theodor W. Adorno,

Theodor W. Adorno, “Amorbach.” In: New German Critique, 127 (February 2016).

Theodor W. Adorno, "Richard Strauss at Sixty." In: Richard Strauss and His World, ed. Bryan Gilliam (1992, Princeton University Press).

Theodor W. Adorno, "Wagner's Relevance for Today." In: Grand Street, 44 (XI:4, 1993). 

Theodor W. Adorno, "Late Style in Beethoven." In: Raritan, XIII: 1 (Summer 1993).

Theodor W. Adorno, "Music, Language, and Composition." In: The Musical Quarterly, 77/3 (Fall 1993).

Theodor W. Adorno, "On some Relationships between Music and Painting." In: The Musical Quarterly, 79/1 (Spring 1995).

Theodor W. Adorno, “Gloss on Sibelius.” In: Sibelius and His World, ed. Daniel Grimley (2011, Princeton University Press)

Paul Bekker, "Elektra: A Study by Paul Bekker." In: Richard Strauss and His World.

Walter Benjamin, “On Walter Benjamin’s Legacy,” with Samantha Rose Hill. In: Los Angeles Review of Books, December 9 2019.

 Johannes Brahms, correspondence with Christiane Brahms and Eusebuis Mandyczewski. In: On Brahms and His Circle. Essays and Documentary Studies, by Karl Geiringer. Revised and enlarged by George S. Bozarth. 2006: Harmonie Park Press.

Johannes Brahms, correspondence with Joseph Joachim. Norton. Critical Scores edition, ed. by Kenneth Hull.

Hermann Broch, “Frana.” In: Conjunctions 31 (1998).

Eduard Hanslick, “Brahms's Newest Instrumental Compositions." In: Brahms and His World, ed. Walter Frisch (Princeton, 1990: Princeton University Press).

Eduard Hanslick, "Memoirs and Letters." In: Brahms and His World.

Heinrich Heine, selections, "Heinrich Heine on Mendelssohn." In: Mendelssohn and His World (1991: Princeton University Press).

 Friedrich Hölderlin, “Am Quell der Donau” (1999: Steidl/Intertexte).

Max Kalbeck, excerpt from Johannes Brahms, Norton Critical Scores edition, ed. by Kenneth Hull. 

H.D. Kittsteiner, “The Allegory of the Philosophy of History in the Nineteenth Century” (with Daniele Franke). In: Steinberg, Michael P., ed., Walter Benjamin and the Demands of History. (1996: Cornell University Press).

Julius Korngold, "Richard Strauss's Salome: A Conversation." In: Richard Strauss and His World.

Karl Kraus, "Cultural Bankruptcy." In: Richard Strauss and His World.

Felix Mendelssohn, "Letters from Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy to Aloys Fuchs" In: Mendelssohn and His World.

Harro Müller, “Mimetic Rationality. Adorno’s Project of a Language of philosophy,” in New German Critique 2009; 36 (3 (108)): 85-108. 

Peter Sloterdijk, “Nationality. A View from Above and Within." In: Annandale, Spring 1991.

 Richard Strauss, "Selections from the Strauss-Gregor Correspondence: The Genesis of

Daphne." In: Richard Strauss and His World.